Emotional Validation

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An Emotional Validation is a psychological process of expressing acceptance and understanding of another person's emotional experience.



  • (Wikipedia, 2023) ⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_validation Retrieved:2023-7-18.
    • Emotional validation is the process of acknowledging and accepting another person's inner emotional experience and communicating that acceptance. Validating an emotion does not mean agreeing with the other person or justifying it.[1]
  1. Torres, L. C. P. (2019). “Validación Emocional:¿ Qué es y Cómo Practicarla?". Área Profesional I: Psicología Clínica.


  • https://youtu.be/Mde2q7GFCrw?t=657
    • QUOTE: ... Most individuals, if not all, crave to be heard. They want someone to focus entirely on them - their spouse, parent, friend, or even their political representatives. Unfortunately, this often isn't the case. However, with the rise of AI, there is now an entity capable of focusing 100% of its attention on our feelings. This presents a considerable temptation, but it's also a great danger. ...


  • (Andalibi & Garcia, 2023) ⇒ Nazanin Andalibi, Pamela Garcia. (2023). “Sensemaking and coping after pregnancy loss: the seeking and disruption of emotional validation online.” In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer,
    • QUOTE: Discusses the dual facets of emotional validation – informational and experiential. The authors identify encounters that disrupt the process of seeking, achieving, and maintaining emotional validation.


  • (Ferrajão, 2021) ⇒ Paulo C. Ferrajão. (2021). “The role of parental emotional validation and invalidation on children's clinical symptoms: A study with children exposed to intimate partner violence.” In: Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child,
    • NOTE: Ferrajão explores the impact of emotional validation, particularly parental, on children's mental health, especially those exposed to intimate partner violence.




  • (Kasworm, 2008) ⇒ Carol E. Kasworm. (2008). “Emotional challenges of adult learners in higher education.” In: New directions for adult and continuing education,
    • NOTE: Investigates the emotional struggles of adult learners, and how their worlds of action, commitment, emotional validation, and conflict intersect.