Divide-and-Conquer Optimization Algorithm
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A Divide-and-Conquer Optimization Algorithm is an optimization algorithm (to solve computational tasks) that systematically breaks down complex problems into smaller subproblems (that can be solved independently and combined).
- AKA: Divide and Conquer Approach, D&C Algorithm.
- Context:
- It can transform Complex Problem into multiple subproblems through problem decomposition.
- It can apply Core Strategy through recursive division, independent solution, and solution combination.
- It can ensure Solution Correctness through mathematical induction and algorithmic proof.
- It can optimize Computational Performance through parallel processing and workload distribution.
- It can handle Problem Scale through systematic breakdown and controlled recursion.
- ...
- It can often improve Algorithm Efficiency through task parallelization and memory locality.
- It can often reduce Problem Complexity through systematic simplification and subproblem optimization.
- It can often enhance Solution Quality through divide-and-conquer refinement and recursive improvement.
- ...
- It can range from being a Simple Partitioning Algorithm to being a Complex Recursive System, depending on its problem decomposition strategy.
- It can range from being a Sequential Processor to being a Parallel Solver, depending on its execution model.
- ...
- It can integrate with Dynamic Programming for optimization problems.
- It can support Parallel Computing Frameworks for distributed execution.
- It can utilize Memory Hierarchy for performance optimization.
- ...
- Examples:
- Classical D&C Algorithms, such as:
- Sorting Algorithms, such as:
- Search Algorithms, such as:
- Numerical D&C Algorithms, such as:
- Matrix Operations, such as:
- Geometric D&C Algorithms, such as:
- Divide and Conquer Learning Algorithm, ...
- ...
- Classical D&C Algorithms, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Greedy Algorithms, which make local optimal choices without problem division.
- Dynamic Programming Algorithms, which solve overlapping subproblems through tabulation.
- Linear Algorithms, which process input data sequentially without recursion.
- See: Algorithm Design Pattern, Recursive Algorithm, Problem Decomposition Strategy, Algorithmic Complexity, Parallel Algorithm, Recursive Partitioning Algorithm.
Algorithm: OPTIMIZE(problem, constraints)
Input: Optimization problem and constraints
Output: Best solution found
1. If IS_SMALL_ENOUGH(problem) Then
Return SOLVE_DIRECTLY(problem)
2. // Divide
subproblems = SPLIT_PROBLEM(problem)
solutions = []
3. // Conquer
For each sub in subproblems:
If IS_FEASIBLE(sub, constraints):
solution = OPTIMIZE(sub, constraints)
4. // Combine
result = MERGE_SOLUTIONS(solutions)
5. Return LOCAL_OPTIMIZE(result)
// Divide into smaller subproblems
mid = problem.size / 2
return [problem[0:mid], problem[mid:end]]
// Combine subsolutions into complete solution
For each s in solutions:
result = MERGE(result, s)
Return result
// Improve combined solution
current = solution
While CAN_IMPROVE(current):
current = IMPROVE_SOLUTION(current)
Return current