ContractSafe AI-ssistant

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A ContractSafe [AI]ssistant is an AI-powered contract management platform designed to automate contract review.




  • (Button, 2019) ⇒Ken Button (2019). "Everything You Need to Know About ContractSafe’s [AI]ssistant". In: ContractSafe Blog.
    • QUOTE: Let’s consider some of the capabilities that [AI]ssistant adds to contract management automation.
      • Contract Set-Up - [AI]ssistant extracts important information from uploaded contracts, such as clause types, important dates, and parties, making new contract set-up easier and more accurate. This allows employees to focus on other tasks and save time while [AI]ssistant does the heavy lifting!
      • Accuracy - [AI]ssistant doesn’t just show you contract data - it shows you where it pulled the clause from so the information can be validated quickly. [AI]ssistant even shows you alternative answers, just in case.
      • Reporting and Alerts - Because contract data is set up for you, monitoring that data becomes a breeze. Want to set up automatic reminders of renewal dates for contracts of a certain type? [AI]ssistant can pull those contracts instantly, and half your work is already done.
      • Human Oversight - Though we wish it were, no automation is perfect. That’s why [AI]ssistant always makes sure that a human approves all pulled data, so you get the final say on any action.
      • Ease of Use - [AI]ssistant wouldn’t be very helpful if it were difficult to use. That’s why we worked hard to make this technology easy and seamless. Data extraction happens automatically upon upload, and takes seconds to learn how to use.