Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
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A Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a dispute resolution approach that provides structured methods for resolving disputes outside of traditional litigation through collaborative processes and third-party facilitation.
- AKA: ADR, Contract Conflict Resolution Mechanism, Non-Litigation Dispute Resolution.
- Context:
- It can typically facilitate Dispute Settlement through consensual processes.
- It can typically reduce Resolution Time through streamlined procedures.
- It can typically minimize Dispute Cost through efficient resolution methods.
- It can typically preserve Party Relationships through collaborative engagement.
- It can typically provide Resolution Flexibility through customizable procedures.
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- It can often ensure Proceeding Confidentiality through private processes.
- It can often involve Neutral Third Party through impartial facilitation.
- It can often incorporate Industry Expertise through specialized panel selection.
- It can often maintain Party Autonomy through process design participation.
- It can often balance Power Differences through procedural safeguards.
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- It can range from being a Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution to being a Mandatory Alternative Dispute Resolution, depending on its participation requirement.
- It can range from being a Facilitative Alternative Dispute Resolution to being an Evaluative Alternative Dispute Resolution, depending on its third-party role.
- It can range from being a Non-Binding Alternative Dispute Resolution to being a Binding Alternative Dispute Resolution, depending on its outcome enforceability.
- It can range from being a Simple Alternative Dispute Resolution to being a Complex Alternative Dispute Resolution, depending on its procedural structure.
- It can range from being a Single-Stage Alternative Dispute Resolution to being a Multi-Tiered Alternative Dispute Resolution, depending on its procedural phases.
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- It can involve Resolution Methods including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and early neutral evaluation.
- It can utilize Resolution Techniques such as interest-based bargaining, caucusing, and shuttle diplomacy.
- It can establish Resolution Frameworks through procedural rules and timelines.
- It can integrate Technology Tools through online dispute resolution platforms and case management systems.
- It can operate within Legal Boundarys set by statutory provisions and judicial precedents.
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- Examples:
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, such as:
- Facilitative Alternative Dispute Resolutions, such as:
- Mediation involving neutral mediators who facilitate party negotiation without imposing resolution.
- Conciliation employing conciliators who make non-binding recommendations to guide settlement.
- Facilitated Negotiation utilizing negotiation facilitators to structure productive dialogue.
- Collaborative Law Process engaging collaborative lawyers committed to non-adversarial resolution.
- Adjudicative Alternative Dispute Resolutions, such as:
- Arbitration using arbitrators who render binding decisions after considering party submissions.
- Expert Determination delegating technical disputes to subject matter experts for final resolution.
- Private Judging employing retired judges to issue enforceable rulings.
- Dispute Board establishing standing panels for ongoing project dispute management.
- Facilitative Alternative Dispute Resolutions, such as:
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Contexts, such as:
- Commercial Alternative Dispute Resolutions for business transactions and corporate conflicts.
- Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolutions addressing consumer complaints and service disputes.
- Employment Alternative Dispute Resolutions handling workplace grievances and discrimination claims.
- Family Alternative Dispute Resolutions resolving divorce, custody, and inheritance disputes.
- International Alternative Dispute Resolutions managing cross-border transactions and foreign investments.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions, such as:
- International Alternative Dispute Resolution Centers providing global dispute services.
- Industry-Specific Alternative Dispute Resolution Providers specializing in sector-focused resolution.
- Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs operating within judicial systems.
- Community Alternative Dispute Resolution Centers serving local conflict resolution needs.
- Online Alternative Dispute Resolution Platforms delivering digital resolution services.
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- Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Litigation Process, which relies on adversarial procedures within the formal court system rather than collaborative resolution approaches.
- Self-Help Remedy, which involves unilateral action to address grievances without third-party involvement.
- Political Negotiation, which focuses on policy differences and public interests rather than private disputes.
- Complaint Handling Procedure, which manages customer dissatisfaction through internal processes without neutral intervention.
- Regulatory Enforcement Action, which implements regulatory compliance through governmental authority rather than party agreement.
- Informal Settlement Discussion, which lacks the structured framework and procedural safeguards of formal alternative dispute resolution.
- See: Dispute Resolution Clause, Conflict Management Strategy, Arbitration Agreement, Mediation Process, Negotiation Technique, Contractual Dispute, Settlement Agreement, Neutral Selection, International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution Task, Restorative Justice, Ombudsman Program, Dispute System Design.