AWS EC2 Virtual Server Instance

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An AWS EC2 Virtual Server Instance is a virtual server within AWS EC2.



  • (Wikipedia, 2014) ⇒ Retrieved:2014-4-26.
    • EC2 uses Xen virtualization. Each virtual machine, called an "instance", functions as a virtual private server. Amazon sizes instances based on "Elastic Compute Units". The performance of otherwise identical virtual machines may vary. [1], the following instance types were offered: * On-demand: pay by hour without commitment * Reserved: rent instances with one-time payment receiving discounts on the hourly charge * Spot: bid-based service (runs the jobs only if the spot price is below the bid specified by bidder — the spot price is claimed to be supply-demand based, however, research refutes this claim )
  1. J. Dejun, G. Pierre and C.-H. Chi. EC2 Performance Analysis for Resource Provisioning of Service-Oriented Applications. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA Management in Service-Oriented Computing, November 2009.


Type CPU Units CPU Cores Memory
   * Micro (t1.micro)Up to 2 ECUs1 Core613 MB
   * Large (m1.large)4 ECUs2 Cores7.5 GB
   * Extra Large (m1.xlarge)8 ECUs4 Cores15 GB
   * High-Memory Extra Large (m2.xlarge)6.5 ECUs2 Cores17.1 GB
   * High-Memory Double Extra Large (m2.2xlarge)13 ECUs4 Cores34.2 GB
   * High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large (m2.4xlarge)26 ECUs8 Cores68.4 GB
   * High-CPU Extra Large (c1.xlarge)20 ECUs8 Cores7 GB