ACE Relation Recognition Task
(Redirected from ACE Relation Mention Detection Task)
An ACE Relation Recognition Task is a Benchmark Task put together by the ACE Program to test a Semantic Relation Mention Recognition Algorithm.
- Context:
- It can test the detection of Simple Semantic Relation Mentions (ACE Relation Detection Task?).
- Currently only tests for the recognition of Simple Semantic Relation Mentions.
- See: ACE-2007.
- The RDR task is to infer ACE-defined relations from the source language and to recognize and output selected attributes and information about these relations, including information about their mentions. A major part of correctly recognizing relations is correctly identifying the arguments (entities) that are related by the relation. Therefore good EDR performance is important to achieving good RDR performance. The Value formula for RDR (for single relation) is defined as the product of an inherent relation value and the sum of the values of the two entities that are the relation arguments:
Value(sys_relation) = Relation_Value(sys_relation) - SUM Argument_Value(sys_argument a)
where the Relation_Value/ is a function of relation type and the Argument_Value is the value of the entity argument as computer for EDR scoring. Refer to appendix A for a complete description of the RDR Value formula.
- The RDR task is to infer ACE-defined relations from the source language and to recognize and output selected attributes and information about these relations, including information about their mentions. A major part of correctly recognizing relations is correctly identifying the arguments (entities) that are related by the relation. Therefore good EDR performance is important to achieving good RDR performance. The Value formula for RDR (for single relation) is defined as the product of an inherent relation value and the sum of the values of the two entities that are the relation arguments:
- We will limit Relations to only those that are expressed within a single sentence.