2015 GrammarAsaForeignLanguage

Subject Headings: Attention-enhanced Encoder-Decoder RNN


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Syntactic constituency parsing is a fundamental problem in natural language processing and has been the subject of intensive research and engineering for decades. As a result, the most accurate parsers are domain specific, complex, and inefficient. In this paper we show that the domain agnostic attention-enhanced sequence-to-sequence model achieves state-of-the-art results on the most widely used syntactic constituency parsing dataset, when trained on a large synthetic corpus that was annotated using existing parsers. It also matches the performance of standard parsers when trained only on a small human-annotated dataset, which shows that this model is highly data-efficient, in contrast to sequence-to-sequence models without the attention mechanism. Our parser is also fast, processing over a hundred sentences per second with an unoptimized CPU implementation.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2015 GrammarAsaForeignLanguageGeoffrey E. Hinton
Terry Koo
Slav Petrov
Ilya Sutskever
Oriol Vinyals
Lukasz Kaiser
Grammar As a Foreign Language