2005 OntologyDesignPatterns

Subject Headings: Ontology Design Pattern.


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  • The paper presents a framework for introducing design patterns that facilitate or improve the techniques used during ontology lifecycle. Some distinctions are drawn between kinds of ontology design patterns. Some content-oriented patterns are presented in order to illustrate their utility at different degrees of abstraction, and how they can be specialized or composed. The proposed framework and the initial set of patterns are designed in order to function as a pipeline connecting domain modelling, user requirements, and ontology-driven tasks/queries to be executed.
  • Independently, in 2004 the W3C has started a working group on Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment, including a task force on Ontology Engineering Patterns (OEP) [21], which has produced some interesting OWL design patterns that are close, from the logical viewpoint, to some of the ontology design patterns that the LOA has been developing.
  • In the seventies, the architect and mathematician Christopher Alexander introduced the term “design pattern” for shared guidelines that help solve design problems. In [1] he argues that a good design can be achieved by means of a set of rules that are “packaged” in the form of patterns, such as “courtyards which live”, “windows place”, or “entrance room”. Design patterns are assumed as archetypal solutions to design problems in a certain context.


 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2005 OntologyDesignPatternsAldo GangemiOntology Design Patterns for Semantic Web ContentProceedings of the International Semantic Web Conferencehttp://metokis.salzburgresearch.at/files/papers/gangemi 2005 ontology design patterns.pdf10.1007/115746202005